Kira Network AMA with Wolf Crypto

Wolf Crypto
25 min readSep 3, 2020


Be KEX Chad, not a KEX Simp…

We held an AMA with Kira Network in our public Telegram channel on September 2nd.

The Kira Network is secured by a custom Multi-Bonded Proof of Stake consensus which allows users to generate revenues from staking any digital asset — cryptocurrencies, stablecoins or even NFT’s. Kira’s consensus can infinitely increase the network security with every new token at stake and does not create honeypots or limit access to your working capital like other solutions in the ecosystem.

This is made possible by using Kira’s staking derivatives. Users who choose to stake their coins with Kira receive 1:1 derivatives representing their tokens at stake (sBTC, sDOT, sATOM, sKEX, etc…). Derivative tokens are transferable, tradable and stakable on leverage, as well as allow their holders to claim block and fee rewards, thus enabling 100% utilization of the working capital at all times.

Kira also introduces the Initial Validator Offering (IVO) concept to the crypto world, which allows users to invest in projects while still maintaining full custody of their investments. IVO investors can trade on such investments and use the capital for DeFi while also having the ability to withdraw this investment at any point time…

You can visit the Kira Network Telegram channel or the Kira Network website for further details.

Here’s what Kira Network’s CEO Milana Valmont and CTO Mateusz Grzelak had to say in the AMA.*

*This AMA has been edited for clarity.

WC (Wolf Crypto Telegram Member)


Welcome to YET ANOTHER edition of Wolf Crypto AMA, this time with Kira Network.

Joining us from the Kira Network team today are Milana Valmont, Co-Founder & CEO and Mateusz Grzelak, Founder & CTO!



Welcome, as always, it’s our pleasure to have you here today.

Let’s start off with a brief introduction from yourselves, how you became involved in the Kira Network and what your history is in the crypto space.


Hi, and thank you for hosting us!

My name is Milana Valmont, I grew up in LA but moved to NYC to study economics and psychology at Fordham University. After graduating I have worked in corporate finance for a couple of years as a private equity analyst. I became involved with the crypto ecosystem first as an investor in early 2017 and later the same year I joined Binance exchange as a community volunteer.

After that I have worked as project manager for and was an adviser to Sentinel. In 2018 I went to Tel Aviv to join Knoks platform as head of strategy, and by mid 2019 I dedicated my full attention to Kira as CEO. I’ve known Mateusz since 2017 from the “shitcoiners slack”.


My name is Mateusz, Kira’s CTO.

I am an electronics engineer, worked as R&D developer for Barclays Bank, then as lead infra engineer for US based Settle Finance then as product manager for the crypto exchange in Switzerland called Bity, shortly after that we started Kira with Milana.

I have been in crypto since late 2011 about which I learned from Reddit, started by mining BTC on my GPU until that stopped being profitable. I was always obsessed with algorithmic trading and switched from automations in MT4 and old day markets to new obsession with crypto and Kraken API in 2013 : ) the next two years had a lot of ups and downs and a lot of Dogecoins mined.

In 2016/2017 it became clear to me that PoS and cross-chain is the only way forward which made me heavily invest my time into the Cosmos and Polkadot ecosystem. Both me and Milana were advisors for a dVPN project in Cosmos called Sentinel, we got to know each other after DevCon 4 IRL and decided to do something new and exciting that the crypto space needs — Kira.



Well as they say in life, live and learn…and if you’ve made it through 2018/2019 and are still active in space, you must have learned a thing or two along the way…

Give me your SharkTank (WolfTank??)…haha…elevator pitch on what the Kira Network is, what it does and why it’s something the crypto community should take note of?


Kira provides access to the market for any digital token in the interchain ecosystem and utilizes 100% of your working capital without locking it up. With Kira you will be able to stake any fungible or non fungible token, claim the rewards from multiple chains and trade it on Kira or use it with other Defi’s at the same time .

In short — we power up the future of DeFi with liquid staking and do not limit the potential of your capital!


Ok so break this down for me, in doing my own DYOR for this AMA, I found a bunch of various resources on your project. Kira Protocol, Kira Network, Kira Core, Interchain Exchange…

It’s a lot for my feeble brain to take in….Can you run us through what all these are and what terminology is still relevant today?


Sure, Kira Core is the corporate company building the Kira Network just like Tendermint is building Cosmos or Parity — Polkadot.

Kira Network is a blockchain where Kira Protocol (our DeFi application) will be deployed.

The Interchain Exchange module will be embedded into Kira Protocol so users can stake and trade their assets directly there.


Ok, so unlike some of the DeFi projects that are popping up as part of the DeFi boom, your project has a little more history to it than most…

That’s not to say the others aren’t legitimate, but based off your history, I assume you’ve learned some things and seen some things along the way…


In crypto you need to observe the space and go with the flow, we are not building Kira for ourselves or as a scientific experiment but for real users in crypto and beyond. For that reason we focused on what the ecosystem needs, we started with the idea of a proper sharded market access for any digital asset in the interchain ecosystem and we wanted for people to utilize their capital and not just sit on their bags without doing anything with it, which I’m sure you’ve noticed was happening a lot during the bear market.

We’ve also wanted to find ways for Kira to bring capital from outside of the crypto ecosystem. Our goal was always to develop a self sustainable and self-evolving network, fully operated and controlled by the community rather than a small circle of crypto-wealthy individuals.

So we were focused on bringing people what they need, and totally disregarded the DeFi hype going around us until we’ve realized we were part of it!


So let’s get into the crux of things, you mentioned a few things in your WolfTank pitch, so how about we go through them one by one…

Firstly, staking as a service and access to liquidity while staking…A few months ago, I had no idea this was even a concept, and now it seems you’re one of a few projects offering this as a core value proposition.

How does this work on Kira and what separates you from other similar product offerings?


With all other solutions staking happens on the chain of origin while projects in question stake your coins for you and charge you commission to later issue a transferable staking derivative — Kira does does not do that, because staking happens directly on Kira Network to increase our network security and we won’t charge you a cent for that — you are the one getting paid and in full control of your funds and to whom you stake them.

This is what increases the money flow, liquidity of our exchange protocol and network activity — therefore block and fee rewards that all stakeholders can claim.

We created more in depth comparison here —


So it seems you’ve invented a few new concepts along the way and one of these is
“Multi-Bonded Proof of Stake”…

What does this actually mean?


MBPoS is our native consensus — instead of staking a single token, it gives you ability to stake any asset type, maintain liquidity of that asset and use it with any DeFi or other dApp deployed on top.

Our consensus increases security with growing amounts of assets deposited and ultimately staked while all other consensus mechanisms create honeypots in such interchain environment.


You mention honeypots in your response…I’m a former system admin, so I know them well…but it seems to be a slightly different meaning here…

Can you explain what you mean by that in the context of the Kira Network?


The more assets deposited from outside of your network, the more incentives for the validators to misbehave, perform malicious upgrades and steal the tokens.

This happens when value of assets at stake is lower than value deposited — which means your PoS turns into PoA or even worse than that in some cases, most networks in crypto are vulnerable to this, Kira is one of few exceptions out there if not the only one that can be fully decentralized..


Kira governance can define its own on-chain and off-chain rules for onboarding new validators and governance members.

Wealth status is no longer the only determining factor when judging candidacy. This eliminates vulnerabilities of plutocratic governance models where hoarding more coins simply implies holding more power but not necessarily being a responsible or rational actor.

Being part of the community will be definitely one of the most important criteria.

We will definitely not allow centralized exchanges or custodians to hold the majority of voting power as often happens — STEEM is one example of the issues this type of model might cause.


I think we can all point to FTX and their yield farming as “more coins doesn’t mean better actions”…

Thanks for dumping SUSHI down to 70c though Sam!


Most PoS are vulnerable to CEX’es hoarding coins and using them to vote, it also means security of your chain is a security of few accounts with 2FA on some CEX’s which is not too exciting of a model IMO…


So you mentioned validators playing a role in the governance functionality on the platform…you said more coins doesn’t equal more voting power…

Most are a boys club of nodes where they all vote as to their own self interests as opposed to the interest of the network or community

So break it down for me as to how its different for you, how do votes and voting power works for validators?


Every validator and governance member in Kira has equal voting power, the gov mechanism is designed for creating self evolving governance systems.

Gov operates with just two rules — only whitelisted actors can vote and they can only vote on what they have permission to vote at. This ensures that the governance system can not only efficiently define roles and permissions of its own members but most importantly expand and self-evolve its own structure.

A good example of evolving a governance model might be creation of multicameral systems where subsets of councilors specialize in creating and voting on specific subsets of proposals.

Another example might be separation of power though checks and balances systems where governance branches have power to check and limit each other, therefore preventing a single governance branch from achieving privileged positions.


So while we’re talking tech stuff…what about chain support for Kira?

What chain to you run on and what chains will you extend support out to?


We are building our own chain, and will interchain-connect initially with Cosmos over IBC and later with Polkadot over XCMP, if any other solutions mature to the level of those two we will definitely integrate them as well.


ETH is no longer best friend?

Best friend replaced with COSMOS and Polkadot?


All are good friends, it’s just ETH is a bit slow right now kek!


Do you have an infographic or something that details the network structure or architecture of the Kira Network?


For the general network overview this should be sufficient —

Kira Network Overview

And we also have one for the different consensus mechanisms BPoS, NPoS, MBPoS —

Kira Network Consensus Comparison


Very detailed, thank you!

So I’ll get into the sToken side of things a little more in the token utility section, but in the meantime, can you give me a specific example of how I could come along with a stackable asset, stake it on the Kira network and use that liquidity for…?


Governance of the network has the ability to whitelist any asset and define interest rates for staking it, whether is fungible or non fungible token.

When you stake your asset our consensus natively issues you a 1:1 transferable derivative representing your tokens at stake — that new token you can then trade for others on Kira or use with any other type of DeFi app outside.


How does DeFi and leverage play into this model?

Are you looking to rekt me with leverage on the platform like Authur or CZ?


Only if you’re into that 🙂 Just kidding, no, that’s not how Kira operates.

With Kira you can “stake on leverage” — this means you can stake the same coins on multiple chains at the same time as long as the sum of possible shalshing penalties are below 100%.

Of course your chances of getting slashed grow when you stake to more validators at the same time, you are however not exposed to market volatility and in case where you stake on MBPoS based networks chances of getting slashed are extremely unlikely.

On Kira, slashing only occurs if multiple validators misbehave at the same time and governance deems it as a real threat/attack. A validator tripping over the cable in the data center will not get you “liquidated” or slashed as it would happen on your typical PoS chains!


So when you stake on the platform, are you taking that security away from the native chain, or mirroring it onto your own Kira chain?


It depends if you send to Kira original asset or derivative of that asset — because you can stake on both chains at the same time.


You’ve also used the phrase “Multi-Asset Staking” a fair bit…

How does this differ to single asset staking and what’s the point of it contextual to the Kira Network?


It means you can stake multiple asset types at the same including stablecoins and NFT’s — in the context of Kira that is possible directly on our network thanks to our own consensus mechanism that supports it -> MBPoS.


I’ve been following a few meme projects lately…MEME especially as I was part of the day one crew that put that together, and that’s something they’re doing, and I’m now seeing more projects copying.

You’re not a meme project though, so why NFT staking and how does it work on Kira?


So you can stake NFTs on Kira and earn rewards right, it doesn’t need to be just memes or WAIFU’s. Any tokenized asset like real estate, luxury and art goods, and of course digital gaming items.

Did you know that fashion is becoming digital as well?

So you can stake these assets and earn rewards too. How it works is simple, governance whitelists your NFT and defines interest rates for staking it, then you can claim block/fee rewards and receive a transferable derivative asset representing your NFT token that you can then trade on Kira or use with some other platform in the interchain.


So does this mean I’ll be able to stake my meme coin NFT’s on Kira…my super rare Waifus? Haha!

If that is the case, how do you work out the value for the NFT’s?

What’s the pricing reference for them…an Oracle perhaps?


No oracle systems will ever be used in Kira, oracles are the simplest way to compromise your dApp, in other words to get rekt.

We use specialized governance branches to determine how much a given asset is worth to the network and how much rewards it should be able to claim within certain safety ranges. Real value of an asset is not a “market value” especially not in crypto.

In other words, the governance determines how much of rewards must be shared with foreign token holders to induce maximum possible liquidity and network activity so that all stakeholders benefit from the fee rewards more and more over time. In some cases whitelisting assets that are worth 0 might bring a huge number of users, while in other cases whitelisting highly valuable assets might be used to increase security of the network., etc…


My broken LINK heart…Very interesting network mechanic there…look forward to seeing that one in action!

For me, one of the questions I have when it comes to staking is the question of opportunity cost or impermanent loss.

Impermanent loss is an especially hot topic as it’s really come to the forefront with Uniswap liquidity provisioning, which in my eyes can be viewed as a form of staking.

How does this work on the Kira network? If I’m staking an asset on there and it’s depreciating, am I shit out of luck? Is it an assumed risk when doing so?


No that’s not how it works with Kira, you are not exposed to market volatility, you can stake any asset including stablecoins.

If the market is moving against you and you no longer want to hold asset X that you are staking, you can simply exchange it for another type of staked asset let’s say Y and continue earning block and fee rewards.


How seamless are the swaps?

Because at the moment I’m having trouble shifting positions on ETH right now…


They should be sub second on the trading zones/shards — what counts is that value at stake must be higher then value in the shard — this way you can have less validators for the shards but still interchain slash enough assets if they tried to misbehave.


I’m going to cover the Interchain Exchange in the next section, but before we get to that, can you explain to me how this connects to the Kira Protocol and works together to create an actual “network of value”?


The Interchain Exchange Module is embedded in the Kira Protocol and is a native part of the Kira network, it’s a sharded order book that provides permissionless market access to any token in the interchain.


Makes sense…I believe this is the venue for your IDO’s…IVO’s?

“A new model” haha…if I had a dollar for every new token sales model that came out along the way…

What makes yours any different to the many we’ve seen come and go over the years, and what makes this model and attractive proposition for both the end users and the project raising funds?


Yes, they are.

Initial Validator Offering’s are similar to stakedrops — but actually generates revenue to the projects that launch them on Kira.

The main advantage is that investors do not spend their tokens and with MBPoS you can take part in multiple IVO’s at the same time using the same asset.

It’s like stakedrops on steroids…

With IVO you stake trustlessly to the validators you trust. No one holds custody over your coins and you do not spend them at all. The IVO project gets money directly from the network fees and block rewards — instead of taking it from you.

On top of that you maintain the ability to trade the capital at stake.


Ok so let me just make sure I understand this right…

Instead of sending money to a project directly, and having that money “locked up” until the point of token release, using the IVO model, I instead send this to you, you add this value to your network in some way, and instead of the project receiving funds directly, they profit from the returns of the “staked capital” along with the network fees and block rewards they get as a participant of the network?


Yes, you stake capital on your own and maintain full custody over it, you can trade it or redelegate if needed.


So if that’s the case, and I’m a project looking to raise via this model, I need to firstly set up a validator node on the Kira Network?

If that is indeed the case, what’s the overheads from a project’s end for participating in such a process?


You need a validator of your own or use an existing validator that would be willing to host it for you.

It’s part of the Kira Core (corporate company) business model to deploy IVOs as a service.


Based on this participation in the network, doesn’t this make funding for a project way more variable, and perhaps even riskier?

And wouldn’t it mean that they receive their project funding at a much slower rate as opposed to just doing a straight raise?


It’s not more variable because the ratio of exchanging rewards for tokens can be pegged to any other asset — stablecoins or cryptos and you can use stablecoins for staking. In parallel Kira provides market access to all the new coins being mined.

Of course the process takes way longer than the 5 minute ICO’s but it also protects the end user from scams and projects that do not deliver.


So this is purely hypothetical, but just to play devil’s advocate here…

With this IVO model, you allow a contributor to pull their funds at any time…

I’m envisioning a situation where a project is still raising funds and they get fudded, causing panic from contributors who then want to pull their funds from the project, causing somewhat of a “run on the bank” scenario…

Is this possible?

From the project’s end, it seems like there is a lot of risk here, as in the old way, it is collect funds and then NO REFUNDS! haha!


IVO’s can be very fast or slow depending on the amount of assets delegated, of course there is risk of redelegations.

You do not have to depend on IVO’s as your primary funding mechanism — our role is to give you options and let users and projects decide what they feel most comfortable with — staking with close to no risk or gambling and betting all on a single dice roll.


Now there’s another dynamic I’d like to discuss here, that plays into both general staking and this IVO model, and that’s TVL…

TVL is now used as a metric of a network’s success and I guess is somewhat related to the actual value of the network and the token that powers it…

In that sense, staking based networks such as yours kind of have a growth hack in place to really PUMP UP THESE NUMBERS!

So tell me, how do you plan to bootstrap the network, pump your numbers up and get a significant amount of TVL in a short space of time?


Kira is the only PoS where there are no limits in terms of how much can be locked / at stake. We created a positive feedback loop mechanism that ensures growth of TVL —

Kira Network — Positive Feedback Loop

Users deposit and stake their assets ➡️

The security and liquidity of Kira increases ➡️

The trading and network activity increases ➡️

That generates more rewards from the network fees ➡️

And creates more incentives to users to stake even more assets ➡️
And the cycle just repeats itself over and over



Your positive feedback looks is a great segue into talking about the various tokens that sit within the Kira Network ecosystem.

Let’s start with the basics first…KEX…I feel like there was a missed opportunity there for you to get memey about things and call it KEK, but anyways…

What’s the role of the KEX token on the network and why would a user need to hold it to participate in the various aspects of the network?


We actually named it KEX because of all the 4chan memes but we wanted to be more subtle about it!

KEX acts as reserve currency in terms of which staking of all other assets is valued. KEX is the most efficient way of claiming revenue from our network operations in the form of block and fee rewards.

Owning KEX also enables you to become part of the validator and governance set to take part in decision making processes, such as defining inflation or interest rates.


Now we’ve covered the basic utility token, let’s talk about sToken.

What is it and why is it a necessary component of the network?


Staking Derivative assets are necessary to provide you with liquidity of all the assets that you stake. Without them the ups and downs in the market could cause panic and force people to undelegate — thus decrease security of the network.

Derivatives give you the ability to trade one type of staked token for another e.g. sBTC for sUSDC so you can continue claiming rewards from the network operations with no exposure to the market volatility.

Staking Derivatives are also essential to prevent centralized exchanges from monopolizing staking service space — as they are the only place where you can trade and stake at the same time, or unstake your coins instantly — eg. Kraken.


So if I understand this, for every individual asset I stake on the platform, I’ll end up with an “s” style derivative token?


That is correct.


If that’s the case, what tokens do you expect to support on day one of the platform launch?

What bags should I start buying in anticipation?


All coins in Cosmos initially, and later on Polkadot once they finish the work on the XCMP!


I suggest KEX!

Go ahead and join our community to have the ability to be part of the governance system that will define which tokens can be staked and how much rewards they can claim —

P.S. This is not a financial advice DYOR yada yada!



So we’ve just spoken on the benefits for token holders on the Kira Network, but what about the company itself.

What’s your revenue model past simply selling tokens and how does this align with the interests of token holders?


The Kira Foundation will own 20% of all KEX and stake them to Kira Core validator, the rewards are then distributed to Kira Core JSC equity holders in proportion to the number of shares they have.

Kira Core will also operate IVO’s as a service for other projects and utilize foundation tokens to help other projects raise their funding goals while benefiting from new exposure to new tokens and commission fees.

The long term goal of Kira Core is also to provide R&D as a service to the project that will deploy IVO with us and expand the interchain and Kira ecosystem.



Ok we briefly touched upon these earlier., but let’s do some 1:1 comparisons here.

Two projects I’m extremely familiar with who are doing something similar to Kira, are Stafi and RAMP Defi…

I can probably give you a few points of differences myself, but let’s hear it from the horse’s mouth first…


We mentioned that briefly before, with Kira staking happens directly on Kira and increases our own network security, we do not charge you for that at all. This also increases the money flow, liquidity of our exchange protocol and network activity. In that respect our business models are totally opposite to projects that issue derivatives just for the sake of issuing them.

The greater the number of PoS networks that provide staking derivatives natively or the greater the number of the staking derivative issuers, the bigger the potential and utility of the Kira Protocol and more assets to which we can provide market access. In case of Stafi and others, the smaller the number of PoS networks that provide staking derivatives natively — the bigger the potential and utility bc less competitors.



Ah the old liquidity is king rule…I think Sushi has proven that recently and may do so even more with their upcoming migration…

So we’ve gone through who you’re up against, how about you tell me about some of the projects you’re working with?

Who’s on the current list?


To clarify we are not up against anyone, we actually benefit from growing numbers of projects and tokens in the interchain space including Stafi and other staking derivative issuers. We also actively encourage other projects to reuse our own consensus.

Right now we have a few projects that we partnered with such as — Simply VC who provides us access to a private data center in Malta. Sentinel dVPN who will use our MBPoS and interconnect to showcase staking of tokens on multiple MBPoS chains at the same time, and Persistence which is also exploring new ways to use our consensus.

We are finalizing things with our future partners Mantra DAO which will benefit from market access and Kira from security of stablecoin staking, Math Wallet which will offer more options for access to the Kira ecosystem and Swingby which will help us bridge to other network outside of the interchain ecosystem.

We are talking to few more potential near future candidate but I cannot disclose any information at this time, so stay tuned!


In a similar vein, who would be some of the ideal candidates to work with that would add value, functionality or utility to the Kira Network?


Any digital asset issuers and projects that bridge or wrap tokens as we are open to both decentralized and centralized world. NFT projects are also on our list of potential partners.


“Digital Asset Issuers”…

Can you expand on that one a little?

I mean I can go on Github and become a digital asset issuer in about 5 mins with ERC-20 these days…


For example, and similar digital fiat issuers would be good partners to have…



This is always the most exciting part for those following the AMA…so of course I leave it til almost the very end! Haha!

Let’s start with a data dump. What are the KEX token metrics?


Our hard cap is $4M.

The total initial token supply will be 300M KEX.

  • 20% of it will be permanently staked by the foundation and is not intended to never enter the market
  • 15% team
  • 7% advisors
  • 25%+ seed,private+public rounds
  • …and the rest is community + liquidity/reserve.
Kira Network Token Metrics & Distribution


How much of the sale tokens were raised in seed/private and soon to be public and at what valuation?


Seed and Private sales claimed a total of $3.6M.

The public round will be around $400k and the initial valuation of the token will be around $0.075 per 1 KEX.

Kira Network Sales Rounds


Do you have a venue for the public sale yet?

Please don’t tell me it’s going to be some retarded curve based sale…that’s so 2 months ago…lol


No curve based, we will run a few distribution white lists events at the same exact valuation, but we do not want to disclose too much before official announcement.

It will be fun!


So with the above in mind, what’s the expected day one starting market cap?


The initial anticipated market cap will be approx $1.2M.


Hmm…sounds pumpy!

What about the launch plan? Will you be going down the Uniswap route?

If so, what’s the plan for supporting liquidity on there from the project’s end?


Regarding the Uniswap, please wait for the public announcement about how exactly it will work.

We will have 2 tokens — initially ERC20 to enable ease of market access and later on we will execute a swap for our native token


Similar question, how will you incentivise token holders to participate in Uniswap liquidity provisioning?


We reserved a portion of community tokens for liquidity provisioning incentivization but do not want to commit to any single method at the moment.

We are exploring a few smart contracts as of now.



So I believe all the real action starts happening in Q4…As someone in this chat reminded me the other day, Q4 starts in October and ends in December…

So what part of Q4 are we talking about here?


We’ll have an ERC-20 very soon and will make a detailed announcement in a week or so.

It’s 2–3 months until testnet and mainnet (TGE) will be at the end of December if we do not encounter any obstacles.


While we’re on the subject, can you drop your roadmap on us?


We will be launching in similar fashion to Polkadot:

PoA with sudo ->
Governance ->
MBPoS ->
Removing sudo ->
IXP ->
Sharding ->
On-chain contracting ->
= a Self sustaining network!

Our budget is reserved for three years to make sure we can deliver a self sustaining network within that time, before the community fully takes over.


The market is SO HOT RIGHT NOW, so do you have any concerns about missing the window by releasing later rather than sooner?


We are doing the ERC-20 release very soon so the market should still be hot at that time.

At the end of Q4 when we launch our network we will just swap the ERC-20 for our native token.



Does Kira have a Github?


Yes we do!

You can also see Mateusz Github here also —


Where is Kira based?


Prague, most of our devs are in EU and Asia (Singapore).


Where is Kira incorporated?


Kira Core is in Tbilisi, Georgia + has a virtual zone status.


Have your smart contract’s been audited and can we see the results?


For the ERC-20 and other contracts on the ETH, we are using already audited templates but we will run a second review on them with Quantstamp.

For the mainnet and Kira Network code audit will start after testnet.


Now before we end this, this is one of my favourite Twitter follows and one of my favourite Tweets…

So the question from this to you is….what’s your community like, how do you intend to grow it, does it have a unique identity…and what are your top memes??!!!

That was more than one question…but whatevs…meme me!


Half of our community consists of people who are die hard KIRA evangelists and the other half consists of people who ask “wen public sale, how do I buy” lmao…but its good to see that each day our community grows and people get more excited about what we are building.

Kira Network aims to incentivize people to come together who want to utilize 100% of their capital and stake and trade in the most secure and scalable manner. We also aim to bring people from outside of the crypto ecosystem through mechanisms such as IVO’s and multi asset staking to increase the security of the interchain.

Our unique identity comes from the utilitarian principles that we build into our consensus and governance model. That is also the reason why the project is called KIRA. Which I hope the fans of the Death Note anime will appreciate!

We want to break the old plutocratic regime in crypto and empower those chain conscious and economically rational players who bring value into our ecosystem.

We are currently in our AMA world tour where people learn more about Kira. A lot of educational content will also be produced and distributed on many different platforms in the West, as well as China, Korea and Vietnam. We have an amazing team with us like Garlam Won from Harmony who joined Kira as our go-to marketing lead, we also partnered with Magic View and Launch Team/Rarestone to push our narrative even further. Very exciting times.

Oh and regarding our memes, we just have few made for now from some of our 4chan lads but more are coming soon!

Be KEX Chad, not a KEX Simp…



As always guys, been my absolute pleasure to have you here today and I feel like I’m a little smarter for the experience!

Wishing you all the best as you move towards your public sale and launch and we look forward to the updates you have in store over the next few weeks!


Thank you for hosting us, its been a pleasure!


Great to be here, thanks for having us!

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Wolf Crypto
Wolf Crypto

Written by Wolf Crypto

Wolf Crypto is a place for ETH & BTC TA, ICO discussion, altcoin roulette & memes.

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